Monday, November 8, 2010

Scrap Tiffany Blog Hop

Scrap Tiffany is Having a Blog Hop!  Even better it is a Christmas Themed one what a great way to get you in the mood and give some idea on what you can do for your Christmas projects!  If you arrived from Kristina's blog you are on the right track but if not,  be sure to start at the Scrap Tiffany blog and then hop all the way through for some great ideas! 

For my project I used my Cosmo Cricket Mitten Weather again.  I am still also working my way through the wooden blocks my dad cut for me.  These are so easy to make.  They are cut from 2 X 4s and sanded.  I then painted them on the edges and back with some acrylic paint.  For the front I just cut some pattern paper for the background and then cut out some letters.  Easy peesy, only really took minutes to make - minus paint drying time.  Getting a jump start on some of my gifts, love that!

I also made this Christmas Planner with the same paper pack, isn't it versatile!

The inside of the planner.  More info on this planner can be found here.

Finally a gift for my classroom parent helpers.  A hot chocolate gift pack.  This is such tasty hot chocolate I will definitely make more.  I may try vanilla next time.  This is for Virginia's Jaime Oliver challenge at the Scrap Shotz forum.

Now be sure to begin at Scrap Tiffany and hop through the participants:

Your next stop on the hop is the talented Michelle, you need to go!


Maria Elena said...

Wow Laurel !! What a great job !!! You really rock girl ! LOL

Have a great Day ;-)

Kathi Carlson said...

Wow, Laurel! You can really make things happen. These are GREAT projects. I love 'em all!

Kay said...

Laurel, I love all your projects! Wish I had a cup of your coco right now!!!

Tiffany said...

Everything was fabulous! Loved the wood blocks!!

D said...

What lovely projects! Love the hot cocoa idea :)

Dora said...

This is just perfect, love the use of the papers and wodnerful projects!

Abby said...

Love all the paper you used!!!! I love your projects!!!!!

dalla said...

great idea laurel, i gonna make 1 planner for myself.

Katie said...

You are rocking the holiday projects, Laurel. The hot cocoa one is adorable.

Scrapfaire said...

Great projects!! CC is fantastic!!

Carolyn said...

Omg!! There u go again!! Love all these!! I love the blocks/papers I'm gonna have Charlie bring out the saw! :)

becca said...

wonderful projects and inspiration!

Jeanne said...

Super projects and inspiration, Laurel. You sure were productive this weekend. Gotta love when that happens. Glad you are getting a jump on your holiday gifts.

Hope you have a terrific week.

Jackie said...

fabulous projects. I've been meaning to make altered blocks like those, thanks for the inspiration!

Sheri Twing said...

What great projects Laurel! I love the hot cocoa gift! So cute especially in that clear paint bucket! Love that!

Brenda said...

great projects.....having soooo much fun on this blog hop!

The Scrappin Diva said...

I love that idea of the coco....looks like I will be scrap lifting.....TFS :)

Renee said...

Yeah, Laurel! Thanks for sharing all of you GREAT projects with us. You are so creative!!

1CardCreator said...

Wow Laurel, I love all the great gifts you made, so many great ideas! ~Diane

Unknown said...

Love those letters!

Alanna said...

What great gifts. It still simply amazes me how much crafting you get done. Way to go.

anazelia said...

those are all awesome.

Kristi said...

What great projects Laurel. I love them all. I love the blocks and the Hot Chocolate mix. Who can deny Chocolate? All projects are great!!

Lindy said...

Wow....I love all your projects. You certaintly getting a head start on gifts. TFS

Donna VW said...

Very nice projects!


great projects.....having soooo much fun
Rebecca Minor

Becky Moore said...

These are so wonderful! Thanks, too,for including the recipe for the Hot Chocolate!

smilesmoore2 at verizon dotnet

farmhouse-story said...

oh, my, love these projects, laurel! thanks for the recipe-love hot chocolate:)

Kristina said...

You never disappoint Laurel, great projects!! I especially love the blocks :)

Rebecca Keppel said...

So many fabulous projects--I love the hot chocolate set :)

Unknown said...

Love these blocks...very cute. All the projects are nice. TFS

Martha galvez said...

I love the blocks!! They are perfect for gifts. Thank you so much for sharing. I love all your gifts.

Ann said...

These are great projects. Love that hot chocolate kit.

Cindy Lee said...

Oh wow!! I love your projects! They are super fun and cute! What a great idea!

Michelle said...

You were busy! What great projects. I love the blocks. What a great idea to have them cut to decorate. LOVE IT!

Salnclts said...

I love all 3 projects!! I love how the first 2 build on each other and then you think what could be better until the cocoa jar! Awesome job!! :)

Anonymous said...

those are great esp the gifts. i am sure they will be delighted

Kim said...

Oh wow! Very nice and veritile project. said...

Great projects and great gifts! The cocoa set is adorable and that recipe looks yummy!

Ginny said...

I started making a planner like that last year & never got around to it. Thanks for inspiring me to actually finish it!!

Charlotte said...

Oh, I just love everything you have made3!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Dale Tiernan said...

Mmmm, yummo. Lots of great ideas though. Plus congrats on the win. Nice photo of you.

Keely Livings said...

Love your projects, Laurel! I have to make those wooden blocks for my mantle.

Bonnie said...

Holy Moley!! Those projects are great! Thanks for sharing.

juliem said...

Great Projects.

Scrappers' Ranch said...

I love all your projects! The papers you used are very pretty.
I am already a follower.
TFS and a chance to win
Bonnie C

Tabitha said...

You are the second one I have seen turn some wooden blocks into really great decor. I love it!! Thanks for sharing. I am a follower.

Addicted Scrapper said...

You ROCK!!!!!!!

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