
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Way to Go

Well, this will be the last card for tonight I better finish folding the laundry or I will hate myself in the morning. I hope to find a use for this card someday!



  1. Great cards!!! really stylish:)

  2. Laura, this is really adorable! Thanks for the info anout the sidebar! How do you get the list in? Did you just copy and paste, then make the hyper links?

  3. Very pretty card, did you get the laundry done?

    SBS-11 Sister

  4. hi there just popped in to say hello i was asked to join the SBS11by vicki so have done so
    love your blog like your style of cards too
    my name is gill new to blogging but have been papercrafting for 2 years
    happily married with an autistic son who is now 20 and doing very well
    i find my paper crafting helps me chill out i just love it
    hope to chat some time feel free to pop into my blog for a nosey anytime
    bye for now

  5. Ha,ha Jamie. Not I didn't I have one basket left to fold and put away. I was gone all day today and am tempted to head to the craft room right now but I will resist, I will do the laundry now.

  6. Loving all your Bella cards! You add so many adorable details and the color combos are jsut wonderful!

    You're so good to be thinking about laundry...have yet to get to mine, but better do it soon - LOL!

    SBS11 Sister

  7. I want to try the idea of a small file folder, and tab. I like this card -- laundry, pffft, don'tcha hate it?!!!

  8. Very cute card! I love them bellas! Keep it coming!

  9. hi i have been asked by alana to contact you all and to ask if it's ok for me to join sbs11 as i was number 21 when she added all the other people to the list and vicki in the list had asked me to join the same list as she is in so if you don't mind me joining could you let alana know
    many thanks gill


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