
Friday, May 9, 2008

Gone again

This is going to be another track meet weekend. This time we are away to Victoria BC, at least I will get some shopping in! So I won't be on here and posting anything until at least Tuesday! You know I love spring, I love this time of year, I love watching my kids in their sports but I do hate that I am rarely in my craftroom anymore! That is where I regroup after the day and wind down.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laurel, I grew up in Victoria (lived there from 1965 till 1973) when we moved to Niagara Falls. My parents actually moved back to the island a few years ago, and recently into a house in Victoria. My family and I are going to visit them in June - it's been awhile since we were last out there. I'm looking forward to seeing the ol' stomping grounds - though I expect lots has changed since I was last there around 10 years ago. Anyway, have a great track meet. Did I mention I have a daughter named Danica too?? Small world!
    *inky hugs* Ava


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