
Friday, August 29, 2008


Lauren M has a weekly sketch on her blog. Here is her sketch: Here is what I came up with. I love the Sarsparilla paper from CTMH but I wondered when I would ever use the Cowboy word paper that is in the pack. Well, Eulanda sent me so many images and this cute little Riley was one of them. He fit perfectly with the paper. Now I didn't have any copics in 'barn red' to match so I made my own. I colored first with Carmine then over with Sepia (on shirt and hat) - kinda works don't you think? The sentiment circle is on foam squares.

Not sure when I would use this card, would it work for a little guy in grade one (in my class this year)??? I'm not sure, don't have boys myself, not sure if this is 'cute' enough for a little guy, to me it looks more for a man? What do you think? Now that I look at this pic, it needs more. I am going to add some buttons in the side rectangle!
Stamps: Riley (Hanna Stamps); Legendary Moments (CTMH)
Paper: Sarsparilla level 2 (CTMH)


  1. Oh SO cute!! Love your take on it. Riley is adorable :D Thanks for playing along

  2. Wow!!! You did awesome!! And I do think you could use it for a grade 1 boy. He's so animated and kids like that kind of thing. Luv it!

  3. How cute is that! You are good girl!!

  4. Awww I love Riley!! This card is adorable and love how you made the barn red work.


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