
Friday, August 22, 2008

For You Friend

Finally got to Jen's sketch for this week. Here is her sketch: Here is the card I made with my favorite paper pack. The circle is on foam squares as is the coffee cup. All supplies are from CTMH except spiral punch.
Stamps: Coffee Shop, Coffee Stain, Say it in Style
Paper: Notebook level 2


  1. Love that PP with the coffee stamp! I must try that, too! :-)

  2. Love the card and the sketch! I'm going to work on a card and return...but I just wanted to mention that I'm from the CTMH BB, and when ever I'm searching thru the AB I always open your posts! I love your design style and appreciate your art work. :O)
    TFS-I'm glad I found your blog!

  3. very cute! great job on the sketch! :D

  4. I like the simplicity of the card yet it looks a bit more then simple because of the stitching. I hope my sewing machine shows up soon. My DH still has to buy it but he doesn't know that yet. LOL!!


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