
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Mail Day

Oh happy day! I received this RAK from the ever talented Eulanda. I loved her card when she posted it on her blog but it is even better IRL! Then she sent a ton of images, I mean a ton! Wow, can't wait to play with them. I think the first one I will use is the Hannah Stamp - I am totally going to case Eulanda's card! Here is a close up of the card, isn't it awesome?!

More happy mail (bad pic I know!) I received my Sugar Nellie stamps! I'm going play all day! Actually life happens, too many appointments and things to do, I can't play all day, but I will when I can!


  1. what lovely goodies you have to play with Laurel, look forward to seeing your creations, aren't those sugar nellies so cute, have fun xx vicki xx

  2. So cool you got all those goodies. That card is gorgeous. I'm now inspired to make a card with my Cafe Hanna.


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