
Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Wonder of Whales

Well we are back for a few days before heading out camping again. This time while camping at Cluxewe (I just scrapped last years camping trip!), we decided to go on a Whale Watching Tour. It was incredible! We were lucky enough to see a pod of transient Orcas, we followed them for a few hours before heading off to find a Humpback Whale. What an experience, I could have watched the Orcas all day. If you are ever around Telegraph Cove Vancouver Island I highly recommend it!


  1. Beautiful pics, we were up off of Vancouver Isalnd, but the states side!! Love the area it is gorgeous. Happened on to your blog, and thought I would say hello.


  2. You captured some great shots! Bet you had fun!

  3. OH my!!! You were so close! I've been whale watching at the north shore in hawaii, but it was from a great distance!! This is cool!

  4. Beautiful pics Laurel...just amazing!!! Glad you guys had a great time!!! :D

  5. So glad you had a wonderful time and thanks for sharing these amazing pics with us!

  6. Sounds like a fun trip - those are great pics - I've never seen whales IRL before - TFS!


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