
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yay I'm done!

I LOVE Christmas it is my favorite holiday of all. But when it comes to scrapping it I always struggle. (why on earth would I ever let my daughter wear those purple polka dot PJs on Christmas day - they don't go with Christmas colors!!!). I am not totally happy with this layout there are parts of it I love (buttons, bracket, tree - it could use more buttons though) and many parts I hate (journalling strips, decorative dainties), I am happy it is done and I will move on! I am just happy to have completed Danica's 2007 album, now on to Jaimee's!
Stamps used: December Word Puzzle; Circle Around; Festive Thoughts; October SOTM; Decorative Dainties; Adorable backgrounds
Paper: NEW Evensong level 2


  1. Not happy with the layout? I think it's WONDERFUL! And those purple pjs are just fine! LOL

  2. Another great LO!!! :D Love this paper and all those great buttons!!! :D


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