
Friday, August 1, 2008

Zucchini Day

Totally out of my box - not my favorite colors at all, but what else can a person do with zucchini day? For the past few years our school has had zucchini day. In the spring of the previous year every child in the school plants a zucchini seed to grow and take care of over the summer. Then shortly after school starts we have zucchini day. Everyone decorates their zucchini, wears green and we make a big deal of it. The kids are encouraged to bring food made with zucchini (a child in my class brought zucchini pakoras and other kids tried them and loved them - they were in grade 3). All day different zucchini activites take place in the classroom then at the end of the day we have an assembly and zucchini parade. In Danica's class her teacher had them write a story "My Life as a Zucchini". Danica has a wonderful writing ability her stories are always very creative and incorporate some humour (definately does not get that from me - I was always a math and science kid). Well her story was so good she was asked to read it to the whole school during the assembly. I was very proud of her!
This is the one page layout. The second page will be the story she wrote. All supplies CTMH. Stamps: Weathered Background; Bouquet alphabet; The Works Alphabet; Fair Blossoms
Paper: Topiary B&T; Topairy and Key Lime cardstock
Embellishments: Zucchini title and some leaves are on foam squares. The vine is waxy flax

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