
Monday, October 20, 2008

Classic Happy Birthday

This is Beate's sketch for this week: Here is my super simple card. I went into my scraproom tonight and this paper was still out so I wanted to try it out. I did not add a lot of froo froo to it as I wanted a simple, classic, masculine look. I think I like these quick no fuss things I have been making lately! Most supplies are from CTMH.
Stamps: Express Postage; Make it Count; Coffee Stain (all CTMH) and truck image (PSX)
Papers: Game On level 2; Outdoor Denim and Bamboo cardstock
pewter accents: unknown, courtesy of Eulanda


  1. Wonderful card, Laurel! Love how you matched paper and image. Great manly card.
    Thanks so much for playing!
    Hugs and smiles

  2. Love your card....makes me want the Coffee Stain set even more!


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