
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Believe - Santa's hat

Here is Beate's sketch for this week:
Here is my card. I have used this stamp many times, but it hasn't seen ink for a long time. I'm glad I pulled it out again. I fun flocked the red and white of the hat. The hat is on foam squares.
Stamps: Santa's hat (PSX); sentiment (CTMH- Classmate alphabet)
Paper: White Daisy, Black and Tulip Cardstock (CTMH)


  1. Laurel, this is awesome. For some reason i'm having a hard time with this sketch :( Cute, cute card and love your huge Santa hat!

  2. Awesome card. Love that adorable hat.
    Hugs and smiles

  3. This is so cute. Who would have ever thought to make just a Santa hat and that would be enough? Cool!

  4. Awesome card for this sketch challenge. Excellent job! I have this Santa hat stamp too. I use it at some point every year. Some stamps are just that good.


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