
Monday, October 13, 2008

Wanna Cupcake?

Here is this week's Bella Sketch Challenge:Here is my card, note what is in Lattebella's hand! I used some retired CTMH paper, ribbon from Walmart and the dots are from Stampingbella. I used brown liquid applique and some coffee grounds on the cupcake.


  1. Very cute! Great colous and papers...fab job with the sketch!

  2. This is SOOOOO cute and I don't even like Bellas!!!! Well, I don't like coloring bellas ;)

    I just received some happy mail from you today!!!! TOTALLY unexpected and perfect timing! I've been sick since Friday and hadn't checked my mail. I was expecting ALL bills, but nope, found that beautiful card tucked away in an envelope along with a ton of cute images for me to play with!

    THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

  3. Adorable-Love the bella-and your coloring is awesome!


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