
Saturday, December 13, 2008

What next???

So I thought I was feeling better, went a day without a headache (have basically had one for 2 months!), but things just didn't seem right. I went to the Dr. today and it appears I have an ear infection and a sinus infection. No wonder my head hurts. To top things off we have a staff party at my house tonight (planned awhile ago), and early tomorrow (like 7:30am) we have to head out of town again for Jaimee's bowling tournament (what a silly time of year to have one!)! Along with that still trying to do some stuff around here, I have not baked a thing because I have felt so horrible, luckily most of our Christmas gifts are already bought. I guess the moral of this story is that I don't think I will be posting much over the next week or so, which really bothers me as I just received so many new goodies from CMTH that I am just itching to put them to use!


  1. Hope you feel better Laurel. I get ear infections ALL THE TIME - they aren't pretty! Hey I think some relaxation ( therapy will help - seriously! ;)

  2. Oh sorry to hear about your sinus infection. They're the worse! Hope you feel much better soon!


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