
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back to Work

So I attempted going to work today as I feel like I am finally on the mend (the antibiotics have kicked in). I had a retired male high school teacher in for me on Monday (I teach K/1)! I chuckled when he left a note saying, "I am exhausted, how do you do this every day?"!


  1. You teach K/1 ! No wonder you have a headache!!!!
    I am glad you are on the mend!

  2. Glad you're feeling better! Cute note from the male teacher. Most likely, he had his hands full ... It was good for him!

  3. Got a chuckle out of me. Glad you are feeling better.

  4. LOL poor guy!! so glad your feeling better :D

  5. Oh boy, did I get a chuckle from the comment he left. I used to teach 2nd grade and then 4th for a time. My younger daughter's last day of K is today (sniff, sniff)! Her teacher teaches 3rd grade in the morning and then the afternoon K class. Can you imagine?! She has had my unwavering support, as do you, for teaching a split.

  6. What I want to know is how you teach everyday and still have enough energy to come home and make so many beautiful creations!!!!!!!

  7. You must be wonder women!! I wish i had your energy. What are you on?..hehehe I want some.:)
    Glad you are feeling better!


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