
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just sitting here

I had a busy day today. Had to go out of town shopping so that took up most of the day (not really fun shopping - Costco, Teacher's Store, etc). I did do some DT work, but can't post that yet! Will be coming soon though. I am now canning peaches, so I have to sit here so when I know when they are done. Hopefully when they are done, I will get to play and post something. My family is all camping, I stayed behind so I could start getting my classroom ready - well the renovations are not done so I can't get in! Hopefully next week. In the meantime, I am doing lots of home chores that I have put off!


  1. I remember as a kid I loved to help my teacher set up the classroom. I loved putting up colored butcher paper and those fun borders all around, lol.

    Hope you eventually get in and everything set up.

  2. Ahhh, I get it - make hay while the sun shines! Good for you!


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