
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oh my achin'...

We were gone for a ski weekend and although it was fun I ache!  Getting older is so much fun.  Of course I wiped out and jarred my sore shoulder, which of course is much sorer now.  Ah life in the forties!  We went with Jason's sister and her family and luckily everyone wanted to stop to watch the Olympic Hockey Game (yay Canada) - although I am not a TV watcher, I sure was happy to quit skiing and relax... I was done, certainly can't ski like I used to.


  1. Ah, darling! Wait 'til you hit the 50s and then see what hurts. LOL. Glad you had a fun day!

  2. But you had fun that is important!

  3. I'm glad you had a fun getaway (well, except for the achin' parts). Hope that shoulder of yours gets better or you have it looked at to find out HOW to make it better!


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