
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog Candy Winner!

So thank you everyone for helping me to celebrate my 400 followers, I do appreciate each and everyone of you!  Thank you too, for all the wonderful comments you leave all the time, so nice!

Well you are here to find out the winner right??? Well the random number was: 51 which brings us too:

Ann English!!!

congrats Ann, email me and we will fine tune the details!


  1. Congrats to the winner... good for you Ann!

  2. Congratulations, Ann! Enjoy your goodies!

  3. Woo hoo! What a wonderful stroke of luck---this is me smiling from ear to ear-big, toothy grin and slight blushing of the cheeks! I'd jump up and down, but my knee would get me for that! Thank you very much :)


I appreciate that you took the time to leave a comment. Thank you!