
Monday, March 21, 2011

What to wear

I did another layout for the sketch challenge over at Your Scrapbook Stash, this sketch is from January 7th.

Again I used the Teresa Collins Posh line as it went so well with these photos that Danica took - I love how she gets her outfits ready the night before and photographs them!  The Calendar paper and chipboard letters are from KI Memories, the stickers are SRM Designs.
You should play along with us at Your Scrapbook Stash, I would love to see what you create!


  1. Adorable Laurel!!!!! and I love the butterflies!!! hugs, Katrina

  2. wow wow wow this is fantastic!

  3. love what you've done with the page!

  4. Your layouts are always amazing.

  5. Oh gosh, that is so sweet! Flylady would love her! hee, hee. Cute outfits, too. She's got style. And your layout showcases her efforts wonderfully.

  6. LOVE your outfit layout!!!!! That sketch is pretty awesome too!

  7. beautiful LO Laurel!!! :) :) :)

  8. I need a Danica. I swear I spend at least 10 minutes each morning trying to decide what to wear. Danica could be my own personal stylist! The layout is awesome too.

  9. Such a fun layout. I love that you do layouts like this, of random things, rather than just holidays or special events like I tend to do. What great memories.

  10. Wow, as if she photographs her outfits! Too fun, fab layout too!


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