
Monday, July 11, 2011

A French Inspired Box

My third post for today!  Gee I'm having a great day!

I got this at a Thrift Store on the weekend:

Again, some leftover paint and an image from The Graphics Fairy and I have  box I love.  I used carbon paper to transfer the image and then I hand painted it.  I haven't used those paint brushes in soooo... long it was fun.  However, did make me realize if I am going to start using them again I need some new ones as the ends are a bit frayed, not good for fine detail work.

I may use this on our sideboard to hold utensils and such or some dried hydranges when mine are ready to harvest or next summer out on our deck to hold fresh herbs.  For now I just want it somewhere that I can look at it ;)


  1. Just lovely! I would want to sit and look at it too!

  2. if you get tired of it,--it would look lovely in my scrap room:) love it!

  3. Love this! I'm really into re-doing things these days.

  4. Ooooh, this is fab!!! I am always looking for fun stuff like this to use in my garden.....some else's how it turned out and I love the idea of putting herbs in there!

  5. Very pretty! I love the sanded edges.

    Have a great day!

  6. Ack, look at you with your altered items. WONDERFUL!

    lisa a.


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