
Friday, August 26, 2011

A Great Start...

Jason took the girls and a friend each camping for the weekend.  The dog is gone too (won't miss that barking) just the cat and I.  I love this nice quiet weekend that I get every year!

To really start this weekend off on a fabulous note, I got 5 things picked up for publication today!  All for Cricut magazine/ Cricut Idea Book - Families!!! I am so over the moon! One card and 4 layouts!  One of my goals this year was to try and get more layouts published, I am so happy that it is working out!  Love my Cricut!


  1. Congrats on the publications! Have a great weekend :)

  2. Congratulations!!! I submitted one card to the February Cricut magazine and it got picked up, too! It's so exciting, isn't it?!

  3. OMGSH Laurel, how wonderful - 5 publications?! All at once? I would be dizzy!!!! I'm just getting to look at the computer (visiting my sweetie) and getting caught up a little - so belated congratulations!!


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