
Monday, September 5, 2011

Tis the season...

No, I'm not talking about Christmas.  With the start of school, thus me heading back to the classroom, cooking becomes even more of a chore for me.  I am not a fan of cooking, but I do want our meals to be healthy but if they are quick then even better.  Well in comes the Crock Pot.  I love my Crock Pot, although I could use a bigger one.  It sometimes is a pain getting the meal ready the night before but I love it the next day when I can just throw everything in there in the morning, add some spices and meat and it is good to go.  Tonight I cut up a bunch of fresh tomato, zucchini and onion from my dad's garden and threw in some red pepper.  Tomorrow morning, my first day of work, I will throw this in with some ground beef, some herbs and such and tomorrow night our spaghetti sauce will be ready.  There is enough here so that I will be able to freeze a batch once it is all cooked and I will have another quick and easy meal.  Thank goodness for Crock Pots and freezers!


  1. Oh my gosh, Laurel....that looks SO good! I'm a huge fan of slow-cooking....and bulk cooking! Anything to make life a little easier! lol!

  2. :>) I really need to get organized in the kitchen and give the crock pot a go.

  3. LOVE my crock pot too!!! Um, yeah, would LOVE the recipe you used here too. lol That sounds delish!

  4. Wow thihs looks great; and now I'm hungry!

  5. I have such a love/hate relationship with my crockpot. I LOVE the idea of it but I don't always love the outcome. Seems that most of my dishes end up tasting the same. :( I guess I need to just keep on trying. Your sauce sounds delicious!!

  6. I am trying to go back to work full time and know I'll rely on the crockpot or we'll be eating take out every other night and that is not good.


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