
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some Tea, Showers and Some News!!!

I saw that the TSG challenge this week was a sketch challenge so I had to play, I love sketches!

For my card I used the October Afternoon Farmhouse collection.  The stamps are from TSG.  I used the Domestic Goddess set and paired her up with Perk Up.  The twine is The Twinery twine.

I also decided to play along with the Mojo Monday sketch:

I used some Nikki Sivils papers along with the Under the Weather stamp set from TSG.  The twine is from The Twinery of course.

Now for the news... I have been asked to be on the There She Goes Design Team!!! I love TSG stamps and I jumped at the chance!  Can't wait to start!  The announcement can be seen here... hop on over to see the other donkeys  I mean Designers, what a great team we have!

Laurel Seabrook


  1. Yay Laurel! I am so happy for you...congratulations. Both of your cards are wonderful :)

  2. EXcellent cards and wahooooooo for the new team!!!!!! I can't wait to see your stuff....TSG has such fun stamps!

  3. HEE HAW!!! Another DT together! Look at me, Show Off! I am keeping up with you! ;)

  4. CONGRATS on the DT!! That is AWESOME!!! And love love love love both of your cards!! LOVING that chair paper on the first one...and loveeeeeee how you used Nikki's papers for the umbrella on the second one!

  5. congrats on the DT and awesome work :)

  6. Your cards are terrific and congrats on your wonderful news. You are one busy bee!

  7. Congratulations! You always have such an unexpected and inspiring take on sketches. You will be a great add to their team.

  8. Congrats Laurel!!!!! I can't wait to see what the 'colouring reject' brings to the table!!! lol!

  9. congratulations on the new design are one busy fun..

  10. Congratulations, Laurel! TSG has awesome lines, it'll be great to see what you do with them :o)

  11. two sweet cards!!! and congrats on the TSG DT gig! it's a blast...have fun!

  12. Hey Laurel...another fabulous team together!! WhooHoo!!

  13. CONGRATS!!!! they are so lucky to have you :)
    your cards are fab :)

  14. Congrats!!! And love those cards!

  15. Congrats Laurel! What great news and can't wait to see your designs!!!

  16. Congrats Laurel!!! Wonderful cards... love the little kitchen scene!


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