
Thursday, July 5, 2012

On holidays

We are still on holidays and having a great time.  It is too bad that our oldest daughter couldn't come with us but our youngest and her friend are having a great time, lots of swimming (in pools - we still have not really gotten into our summer weather here!)  It has been a trip of lots of driving, sitting and visiting and eating!  I hope to get out for another run this morning, although it is so windy here all the time and I am not a fan of running in the wind.  Tomorrow we head to West Edmonton Mall for some more swimming and lots of shopping and then head home.  I hope to be home on Monday, which of course will then begin my countdown for Chicago and CHA!


  1. Sounds like fun! It isn't always this windy in Alberta :-) The last few days have been horrible! I think today and tomorrow are supposed to be better.
    Lucky girl going to CHA!!! So jealous!!

  2. Have fun and enjoy your holiday. I was out of town last week on vacation and didn't even read a single blog, let alone post on mine. Enjoy some relaxation!

  3. Oooo...I went to the West Edmonton Mall once. I couldn't believe that place. I hate malls, but it's anything but a mall. Have a great time.

  4. Enjoy your vacay! And, I can't wait for the deets on CHA :)

  5. sounds like you and the girls are having a blast!!!
    hope hubby survives all the shopping tomorrow ;)

  6. Hope you enjoy every moment of your vacation, Laurel!!

  7. Sounds like a great time!! Wish I was going to CHA... would love to meet you... I only seem to make it the winter one :)


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