
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Top Ten Blog Hop

The wonderful Christine Meyer from Practical Scrappers has organized a Top Ten blog hop and I was thrilled to be a part of it.  We have all chosen our top ten projects from the past year to post on our blogs.  Be sure to hop along and visit everyone, some of them have giveaways, there are so many of us showcasing different styles, you will be wowed I am sure!

I had a difficult time deciding on my favorites.  Some of them have been picked up for publication so I couldn't show those ones and of the rest I had chosen 20 projects!  I finally narrowed it down to my Top Ten and I decided to make it a mix of cards, layouts and altered projects.  So here you go:

This one is definitely one of my favorites as the card made the cover of Paper Crafts in May!

Now since I am still so excited about recently joining the Echo Park Design Team, I have a Love Story prize pack up for grabs.

To enter for the prize simply leave me a comment telling me which of these projects was your favorite, easy peesy!

Now if you just happened here by chance you may want to start at the beginning and go back to visit everyone along the way.

Kerri Yarus

Katrina Hunt

ETA: The contest is closed for the chance at the prize, but of course I would still love a comment ;)


  1. Very nice projects Lauel! I love all of them but the Thank You card is so adorable with the flowers you made.

  2. Love them all Laurel!! Congrats on the Echo Park gig :)

  3. Can I pick all of them? If not, I really like the first pair of cards. I love the colors and layout of them.

  4. I will have to go with "A favorite photo" (although they are all spectacular! )

  5. oh my goodness Laurel...amazing creations. Love that clothes line and tea box.

  6. I've so been enjoying your projects in Cards magazine! My fav of your top 10 is the layout "Smile".

  7. Ohhhh I love them all and have been "following" you since early CTMH Days! Just love your style! And if I had to pick..... I love the layout of your daughter with the snowflakes " a fav photo". BEAUTIFUL!------->>>>>>>>>>PICK ME!

  8. Ohhhh I love them all and have been "following" you since early CTMH Days! Just love your style! And if I had to pick..... I love the layout of your daughter with the snowflakes " a fav photo". BEAUTIFUL!------->>>>>>>>>>PICK ME!

  9. You are awesome-sauce my friend!!! I am JUST IN LOVE with all of these!!!! GORGEOUS!!!!

  10. Wow, Laurel! You want us to pick a favorite? I'm not sure that is possible. Although the one layout of your daughter, the second to last picture, I think, kept jumping out at me. Such a cute expression. Since it kept catching my eye, I'll pick that one, if I have to pick. LOL Your work is fabulous!!

    Congrats again on the Echo Park spot. I'll bet you are going to have so much fun in 2013! *Ü*

  11. Love-Love these Laurel! If I have to pick a favorite, I am going with your gable box and gingerbread man...I just adore it to pieces!

  12. LOVE all your choices Laurel....I super adore your style!

  13. All your projects are fabulous! I love the Soul Sisters layout and your Mom card. Congrats on your DT for Echo Park!!

  14. Such fabulous projects Laurel! I adore the gingerbread altered item set but also still love the recent snowflake layout of your daughter!
    Have a fantastic day!

  15. Your style is amazing! Love your use of soft colors and twine on your cards. My favorites are your Spring cards (first one shared)! Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance to win some EP goodies! :)

  16. They are all so gorgeous but my favorite is the red gingham box with the cute gingerbread man and tag. Homespun lovelyness!!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  17. I can't pick just one because they are all amazing!! You are very talented!

  18. WOW! WOW! WOW! These are some of my all-time Laurel favorites too. Thanks for bringing them back!

  19. They are all such wonderful projects, Laurel! If I have to choose just one, it would have to be the "Favorite Photo" layout - love it to pieces! Hope 2013 brings you lots of creative mojo with even more health and happiness! Big congrats on the EP Team!

  20. Holy cow, you are one talented lady! Love all of your projects, but if I have to choose, love the Tea gift box.

  21. Wonderful projects! It's really hard to choose a favorite, but I have to go with the Friend/Silly layout. I just love the saying, love the design and the colors!

  22. I think my favorites are the "a favorite photo" and "Friends can be silly with you". great photo on the first and love the jornal title on the second

  23. Beautiful projects:))Love the tea box and the rolling pin with the tea towel..Thanks for sharing:)))

  24. "A Favorite Photo" layout is my favorite. Love how you arranged the snowflakes and of course the photos are adorable.

  25. there is no way I could pick. Your page has the most that I love so far on the hop.

  26. Great layouts and projects. I think my favorite is A Favorite Photo. Totally adorable photo, love the soft feel of the layout, very inspiring!

  27. Such amazing work, so thrilled for you with EP! You are going to have a rocking 2013!

  28. Hard to pick a favorite. I really love that tea box!

  29. How did you ever narrow it down to just 10! Your art is always fantastic. I love both the gable boxes, especially the tea one!

  30. Love the mix of projects. I think my favorite is that little tea container, it's so cute and I love the tag!

  31. No fair! It's too hard to pick a favourite :o) I have to go with the Christmas layout of your daughter that you posted just a few days ago - not only is it a great layout, but the photos are amazing! I love Top Ten posts, so thanks for posting yours.

  32. I think the 'Friend' project was my very favorite. The colors are just so sweet!!! :) :) :)

  33. gorgeous projects! And congrats on the Echo Park design team! Can't wait to see your creations!

  34. They are all fabulous but my favorite is the yellow and orange flower thank you card. It is just so cheery!

  35. They are all so great but I really like the layouts!

  36. Laurel, you know I am a HUGE fan of your work. The Tea box is sooooo cute... along with everything else you make ;)

  37. LOVE all of your work! My fav would be the page AND card of your last project!

  38. You are so crazy talented. I love them all.. I can't wait to see more of your projects in print.. Eeekkk

  39. My favourite is layout no. 6. Just perfect=)

  40. Wow!!! These are all so gorgeous!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the friend layout - it is my fave but they are all so fantastic! :) I am a new follower!

  41. Love all your projects Laurel. Hard to pick a fave. Such inspiring work.And a big hi from Alberta!

  42. LOOOOOOVE it all, Laurel! It would be hard for me to pick only 10 from your creation list as well!!! Great picks--LOVE the card sets esp that first one! I really need to get my KNK set up so I can cut all those fun word files/svgs!! LOVE everything you make!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. What a wonderful mix of projects. My favorite is the second one--the tea box.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  44. These are all so good! thought I recognized that card!! That A Favourite Photo one is so sweet and your project with the strawberries ... yummy!!! Thanks for sharing.

  45. You make so many wonderful things. My favorite from the bunch is the set with the rolling pin. Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Congratulations on your new DT position! Your projects are all fab! My fav is "Homemade with Holiday Cheer"! That little gingerbread man is too cute!!!

  47. Amazing work as always. If I have to pick 1 favorite, I think I'd choose the tea box.

  48. I love your TEA. Box - combines two of my favorites! Also love the variety of your creations!

  49. Lovely projects...but my favorite would have to be the tea box! Happy New Year!

  50. I could not pick a favorite Laurel, great job! Congrats on being invited to join in the hop!

  51. not so easy to pick a favorite afterall! I love your layouts, Your cards are exceptional, and your projects too...I think I'm drawn to that tea gift box the most, just because it's so pretty.

  52. Laurel, First off huge CONGRATS on the EP gig--super jealous ;) EP is one of my favs! My favorite project of yours is the "A Good Friend Can Be Silly"! Absolutely adorable!

    Looking forward to seeing your work on the EP site ;)


  53. I really love your style and it is honestly hard to say which I like best but if I had to choose....A good friend is stunning! Thanks for the chance to win and I have bookmarked your blog for my daily blog read.

  54. My favorite is the first set of cards.

  55. Love them all, but my favorite is "A Good Friend" Love the classy clean look and the colors are wonderful!

  56. I love your set of masculine cards, great colors and designs!

  57. I love the Mom card and layout, I may be the colors, or the dress form, but everything about is is wonderful

  58. WOW! Amazing! 2012 was a GREAT year, how am one to chose???? I so adore the Tea box, so I'll pick that one! :)

  59. Great projects. My favorite the good friend/silly friend layout. I love it!

  60. They are all great projects but I think I like the first set of cards the best.

  61. Great projects Laurel!! Best wishes for 2013! Hugs, Katrina

  62. Wow- love your style! I liked ALL of the cards that you have posted! Congratulations on being selected for the Echo Park design team!

  63. Of course they're all so awesome, but that Good Friend layout is really wonderful!

  64. I love ALL of your projects but I'm partial to the one you used the Imaginisce Sole Sisters for. : )

  65. I love all of your projects Laurel, but the handmade boxes are my favs!

  66. Easy Peesy? I think not my friend. ;) They are ALL so fabulous. I guess if I had to pick just one it would be the tea box. It is gorgeous!

    Hapy New Year!

  67. Oh - it is so hard to pick a favorite! They are all amazing!!! I really like the gingerbread box though - your photo props are super fun too!!!

  68. Love them all-but the Strawberry kitchen set is my favorite!

  69. You have a great style! I love them all. My favorite might be that vintage one at the end.

  70. Wow! How on earth can a girl pick one favorite from all these fabulous projects, my friend? They are ALL amazing! Might have to pick the tea box if I HAD to pick just one! ;)

  71. Always Love your projects Laurel!!

  72. Great work Laurel! It's tough to choose, but my most fav is "A Favorite Photo". Love it!

  73. All of these are spectacular Laurel! It is easy to see why you have had such a fabulous 2012 in the scrapping world!!!

  74. Laurel I always love what you do! I think my favorite is the "smile" layout! Love the design of that page!

  75. You are just simply amazing! Love them all!

  76. Wow! You are incredible! I love the roliing pin! Never thought to paint and cover w/paper as a decorative accent!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!


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