
Monday, May 21, 2018

Mindful Monday - Morning

Welcome to the second Mindful Monday challenge.  What is Mindful Monday?  well... it is explained here, but in a nutshell, documenting simple things that just make us happy.  I think it is important to take the time to be mindful and just appreciate what we have, and the simple and amazing things that surround us in our daily lives.  

This week's prompt is...morning

What simple pleasure relates to your morning.... first cup of coffee, new day, refreshed, goals....

For me... mornings are peaceful.  They are my time.

Once I had kids and was on 24/7 'my time' became more and more valuable.  When they were little and went to bed early, I had my evenings.  As they got older and their bedtimes got later and later... 'my time' diminished.  No more quiet as TVs, music or whatever would be in the background.   I started getting up earlier and earlier... and my day now starts at 5am - weekday or weekend - doesn't matter.  I generally don't even need to set an alarm as I am usually awake before it.

In the quiet solicitude of the early morning I check my email, facebook, blog and instagram all while enjoying my Irish Breakfast tea.... I love my mornings.

I have used the Brooke collection by Felicity Jane along with the Tea Time stamp by Honeybee stamps.  The title is cut with my Silhouette. 

I would love to hear what simple pleasures there are for you in regards to morning.... even if you are not a morning person, there must be something ;)

1 comment:

  1. Add me to the very early quiet morning wagon. I have long gotten up before the girls to have some quiet time to read email and my blog list. I've always been a morning person and have rarely set an alarm. I am listening to the birds outside as I type this. Wonderful! :) Have a lovely day, Laurel. Hope by now you are feeling much, much better!


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