
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Documenting Life - weeks 5 - 8

Yes I'm still doing my Documenting Life album - I just decided to share 4 weeks at a time rather than one because, well each week is not too exciting! Not a lot on each page - a photo, journaling, a die cut or 2 and perhaps a stamp. Easy peesy. I do my page every Saturday night after my grand daughter goes home. Which is probably why they are simple, it is all I can muster after having her for a sleepover then all day ;)

I did share this page before but thought I would again as it is part of these four weeks. 

We finally got some snow and it was just enough to take the little out sledding at the local school. She, of course, loved it! Simple pleasures.

After 27 years married, I still get flowers on valentines  - and the next day when I went to go to work after it had snowed, my car was all scraped off of snow 💓

My 'Sunday hiking club' went snowshoeing instead of hiking...I LOVED it. The day was perfect. I came home and ordered snowshoes for hubby, myself and grand daughter :) 


  1. Looks like 4 weeks filled with love and laughter, family and fun! I like how there is some navy blue scattered about to help give some visual coordination.

  2. Awesome! This does look doable! How fun that you loved snowshoeing. I hope you continue to love the process!

  3. Love your pages. Looks like you were having lots of fun.
    I haven't seen those albums before, but they look so much easier than the project life one that I have (and that I am ridiculously behind with)


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