
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Activity Advent Calendar

Time for another Wee Memories  challenge.  This week we are taking it easy on you, it is a free for all.

 Our sponsor is Artful Delight and the prize is a Card Kit!

For my project I made an 'activity advent calendar', love Pinterest it is so full of great ideas and I so wish I would have thought of this when the kids were little.  Activities I have included are such things as (Decorate the house, Decorate the tree, Drive around and look at lights, bake cookies, play Apples to Apples, go on a family walk, go to Starbuck's (have to include that one), etc.)  I used these fabulous Vintage Flashcards from Pretty Little Studio.  I love Santa, I mean love Santa, especially the vintage cuties that are on these cards.  I purchased these last year but hoarded them, I didn't know what to do with them.  However, I wanted them out so I could look at them so I made them into an Advent Calendar Banner.  I adhered a small bag on the back to hold a tag with the activity printed on it.  Each Tag has a bit of Red V Striped Twill stapled to it.  I have also added bits and pieces of the Teresa Collins Christmas Home papers.

Everything is joined together and hung up with some Twine from The Twinery.

 I adhered a small bag on the back to hold a tag with the activity printed on it.  Each Tag has a bit of Red V Striped Twill stapled to it.  I have also added bits and pieces of the Teresa Collins Christmas Home papers.

This is also for the City Crafter challenge - Santa Claus


  1. great idea ! The twine touch are perfect too! ur design rocks!

  2. Cute and fun project, thanks for playing along with us at CCCB!

  3. What a clever and very pretty advent banner ... thanks so much for sharing it with us at CCCB

  4. Wow! What a fun and fabulous idea!

  5. You are WAY tooooo clever! LOVE LOVE LOVE:)

  6. WONDERUL Laurel! I've been collectiong ideas for an advent project I want to do next year, thanks for this delightful inspiration!!!

  7. So FAB! What a FUN idea! LOVE it!
    Thanks so much for sharing your talent with CCCB!

  8. Such a great idea! A lot of work, but worth the effort. ;)


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