
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Game Night

It is time for another sketch at Let's Capture These Sketches:

For my layout I used some Studio Calico Papers, and Elle's Studio Journal Tag, some Twine from The Twinery and some SRM Stickers.  Apples to Apples has definitely been our Go to family game this year.  We play with my family and Jason's family and it is so fun because all ages can play and have a great time!

Don't forget that Let's Capture These Sketches is having a DT call, you have until December 18th to get your application in.  It is a fabulous team to be on, so I hope everyone applies!


  1. Super fun layout looove the apple paper such a perfect fit.

  2. Such a fun's been ages since I played apples to apples! We did play games on our much fun...great family time:)


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