Monday, July 16, 2018

Mindful Monday - Summer

Finally another Mindful Monday post for  you.

Welcome to another Mindful Monday.  What is Mindful Monday?  well... it is explained here, but in a nutshell, documenting simple things that just make us happy.  I think it is important to take the time to be mindful and just appreciate what we have, and the simple and amazing things that surround us in our daily lives.  

This week's prompt is...summer

What does that mean to you? camping? relaxing? ice cream? lazy days?... 

For me... being a teacher... holidays is obvious but my most favorite thing about summer is having the time to regroup by purging, cleaning and organizing my house room by room.  I love doing this and with the day to day stuff during the rest of the year... I really don't have the time.  

I am a homebody by nature so puttering at home just makes me happy.

Now having lots of time on my hands to get down and purge, clean and organize.  Feels so good when it is done.  Of course, I love the camping and lots of free time... but nothing beats a good purge ;)

Then I can actually sit back and enjoy my beautiful home. 

Products used:
Papers and elements: Elle's Studio
Die: Reverse Confetti
Stamp: Felicity Jane

I would love to see what about summer makes you happy:

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Working in a school most of my adult life, I too, enjoy the summer holidays. Having two kids in high school and how busy they are just adds to the busy-ness during the school year. Like you, I am a homebody and enjoy being at home. This year, we've been working our way through our kitchen deep cleaning every thing. Feels good! Lazy days are the best!

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