Monday, April 26, 2010

Crafting Queen

I just recently was crowned with a new blog award!!!!! The Fabulous Crafty Girl Kim. after searching far and wide in her royal kingdom of crafting...has bestowed this royal award to me!!! Kim, you have totally made my day!!!!!

Before awarding this award myself... you need to read what Queen Sassy Lady wrote because it was just way to clever....

Now it is my royal decree as Crafty Girl Laurel to Crown other Royal Crafting Queens..... I have searched the kingdoms far and wide for worthy ladies and gentlemen that share the desire to pass their crafting love and skills to all the subjects in the kingdom without royal fees or taxes and have found these worthy subjects...

To take up your crown the new Queen must link their blog to the sender of this blog and any future Queens they crown. . If you've been crowned, please send an email to Queen Cindy or me at and Queen SassyLady at, along with your web or blog address and the website of whoever crowned you, so you can be listed as a Royal Blogger. (If you need the "King" version of the award, let Queen Cindy know and she will email it to you.)

I hope you will proudly display this award on your site, and I thank you for being such a benevolent Queen or King who is so generous to your loyal subjects!

Crafty Girl Kim... I am humbled and honored to accept this award!! In return, I have searched the entire blogging kingdom and found a loyal subject worthy of this crown... and I would like to award this crown to...

Amy from the Kingdom of  Tsuruta Designs


yyam said...

Congrats! You're now craft royalty! :)

Jeanne said...

How fun! Congratulations on your new honor!

Kathy Martin said...

Craftin' Queen! What an honor! You ROCK! :)

~amy~ said...

Oh thank you sooo much Crafty Queen are such a sweetie to think of lil ole me!!! I get to pick someone? Good grief...that's a toughie....oy.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Laurel, you have always been one of my all time favorite "divas"
I am always so inspired by what you do and the way you love to celebrate life through this hobby! I could think of no one better who deserved this than you!
Congrats, my diva!!!
Kim xXx

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