Saturday, March 16, 2013

Halloween Decor

I just wanted to share with you the projects that I had published in the Paper Crafts Handmade Home Decor issue that is out now.  Both projects use upcycled items that I got at a garage sale or just kept out of my own garbage!  Love that!

First up is this oval frame that I purchased for about 25 cents - it is plastic and was bronze.  There was no glass or insert, but that is ok as I didn't need it for this project.  I used my Echo Park Chillingsworth Manor collection along with my Cricut and some May Arts Twine.

Next up are some glass bottles and a tin that I had laying around.  I knew they would work for something one day.  I spray painted them black and then just added the labels, after running them through my Xyron,  from My Mind's Eye Lost and Found Halloween collection.  Easy peesy and so inexpensive.

To purchase your copy of this fabulous magazine, you can get it here.


Jeanne said...

Absolutely awesome, Laurel! Your work is showing up everywhere and how fabulous is that! Wow!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Congrats on the pubs!! These are FABULOUS!!!

Annette Allen said...

Laurel these are amazing...congrats on being published..

farmhouse-story said...

congrats on the pubs, laurel! fabulous projects:)

Rose said...

congrats!!!! i LOVE the frame :)

sorry i am having wrist and shoulder pain so can't type or use mouse for long :( but i looked at all i have missed on your blog and WOW!!! you are rocking the craftyness :)

TesaB said...

Wow! Gorgeous projects - as always. Congratulations!!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Congrats on this publication! Love those chilling home deco items... YOU are fabulous!
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

Congrats. Awesome projects!

Susan Stringfellow said...

awesome! I love these and of course I totally love the Chillingsworth Frame! Great collection to play with. Congrats

Audrey Pettit said...

You are a girl after my own heart with these fabulous Halloween projects! Too fun and absolutely fabulous! I had a couple of Halloween projects in here, too. ;)

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