Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No Internet

AAAhhhh, I came home from work yesterday to see that I have no internet!  I won't have until at least Friday... aaahhhh.  I am like a fish without water when I have no internet.  Unfortunatlely with all the posting I did on the weekend, I didn't get any posts scheduled except for Friday.  So until then I won't be able to visit your blogs or add to mine.  Have a good week and I hope to be back soon.  Do check on Friday as I do have something coming up then.


~amy~ said...

Oh Laurel, sorry about that...I'd definitely be going through withdrawals...LOL...hang in there!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Aw, sorry about that, hopefully you won't go into withdrawls...hugs
Kim xXx

Lynn said...

Hi Laurel, I hope your internet comes back soon, it's almost like having your right arm cut off..

Jeanne said...

What a huge bummer about your internet. Hopefully you can use the time to stockpile a ton of creative projects!

I completely understand your frustration though! I sure wouldn't be a happy camper.

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