Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October CARDS magazine

I have this card in the October 2009 Issue of CARDS magazine! So happy!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Congrats to you! It is a stunning card! You so deserve to be published! I want to be like you when I grow up!
Kim xXx

Dora said...

Stunning card and congrats you deserve it! You are a great creative person, and I'm glad I found you!

~amy~ said...

ooohhh....fabbie work sista!!!

Kathi Carlson said...

Awesome! It's a great card, Laurel!

Jess said...

awesome!!! congrats Laurel!

Unknown said...

WOW! Congratulations. You SO deserve it. And this card is over the top gorgeous.

Karla Kroese said...

Congratulations, Laurel! Great card!

laterg8r said...

love the rick rack going off the edges :D

Jamie Harder said...

Love that cake! congrats on the pub!!!

Carolyn said...
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Carolyn said...

AWESOME Laurel!! :) You Rock Women!!

Sparkplug17 said...

Congrats! What a fun bday card.

Anonymous said...


Woot Woot

that is so completely awesome.
And such a fabbie card...

Go Laurel.. it's your birthday...
party like its your birthday...
drink bacardi like its your birthday

(That's me doing the happy dance for you)

Carla said...

Fabulous card! Congrats on the publication!

Eulanda said...

Congrats Laurel! That is so cool!

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