Thursday, November 12, 2009

OMG, so happy!

I just got a card picked up for the April 2010 CARDS magazine, woo-hoo what a week this has been so far! On top of that my grade ones are being fabulous - the other teachers are jealous of my fantastic class!


Brenda said...

Congratulations on your fabulous week, Laurel! I left you something on my blog!

Jamie Harder said...

So exciting!!!!!! Hooray for you:-) Well deserved!

Beth aka BR-T said...

Wow Laurel you are on fire! Beth

~amy~ said...

yahooo girl....congrats!!!

Karla Kroese said...

WooHoo! Congratulations! Can't wait to see it!

Kim Harper said...

Congratulations Laurel - what a great week. Enjoy!!

Jeanne said...

Oh goodness, you've had a fabulous week! Congratulations!!!

Amy Heller said...

WooHoo!! You so deserve it!

Carolyn said...

Congrats!! So happy for U!!

laterg8r said...

you are having a fantastic week - congrats :D

Eulanda said...

That's awesome!! That's a great magazine you deserve it!! And you deserve the great class too!!

Sarah said...

Congrats Laurel!!!! Woohooo!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Yahoo! Congrats! I told you that you should be published. I have a feeling this is only the beginning.
Kim xXx

Kelly Mahany said...

That's awesome!! Congratulations!

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