Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tonight I play!

Well I have spent the day cleaning and organizing the house. The garage is even organized (as organized as I can get until I can get my school stuff into my classroom)! I even cleaned the basement, which includes my craft room. I took a bunch of stuff to the FREE STORE (we have a drop off place that charges $2 for dropoffs - then everything is put out for others for free.) I picked up a couple of old books - now to try and see what I can do with them and some stamps. So tonight I play finally!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Don't you just love that all clean and organized feeling? I do...
Kim xXx

Unknown said...

How did you do all of that in one day? Amazing!

Brenda said...

What a burst of energy! I really like that idea of a FREE store. We have many thrift stores to donate to, but wouldn't it be great to donate to a free store!

Sharli Schaitberger said...

I'm going to echo Brenda - I really like the idea of a free store! How cool is that?!

You are amazing - I can't imagine getting that much done in one day! In fact, the last time I did was about 10 years ago when I had an allergic reaction and the doctor put me on a medrol dose pack! I painted three of the 4 outside walls of my home! Seriously!

I'm not trying to say you're medicated - don't take that the wrong way! LOL

Dora said...

You are one busy lady;) Have fun:)

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